Monday, January 7, 2013

Non-traditional college students with a baby on the way.

The clock is ticking for us women and life does not always wait for that magical moment otherwise known as the best time to have a child. I wanted to have children as early as 21 years old, for some that may be too young; but for me it was a dream that quickly dissipated when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. All is well now, 8 years later. I did have an ectopic pregnancy but now I am pregnant with a healthy little girl.

So why this thrifty online resource? Till very recent, both my husband (32 years old) and I (29 years old) were full time college students. We both had careers before but decided to return to school in order to better ourselves intellectually. I just graduated this winter with 2 Bachelor of Science degrees, however my husband is still currently working on his Bachelor of Science degree (he started later than I).

So back to the baby issue. Whether your pregnancy was planned or unplanned, if you are in college, I am sure you are somewhat worried about how you will afford your bundle of joy! I am here to share tried and true tips that are making my journey affordable and manageable. I am due to give birth in 12 weeks and I already have 98% of everything I need! So far, my little girl's room is filled with all the essentials for under $250. Methodical scouting of exceptional items and a little elbow grease can go a long way.

If you are reading this blog, congratulations on your current/future little one!

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